Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Come, Let Us Adore

The Dominicans have posted a video about adoration, a devotion which is near and dear to me and many in my parish. I have written before about the Adoration Chapel in our parish which is always full of warmth and the palpable presence of our Lord. There has been a movement, not exactly a tsunami but a sort of tidal flow among some of our members, to refurbish the Adoration Chapel. I was not surprised to learn that the regular,devoted adorers don't see any need to do anything other than perhaps replace the carpeting. I tend to agree. As long as Jesus is with us constantly in that chapel nothing else seems to be necessary. In the midst of focused adoration, material surroundings recede into the background and the senses are fully engaged with His presence. It is difficult to communicate this to people who have never learned about adoration. I tend to urge people to try, even non- Catholics, because I cannot believe that our merciful Lord would withhold that gift which allows the senses to perceive His presence. In fact I would suggest that anyone considering adoration pray first, while kneeling, for the heart and mind to be filled, even flooded with His nearness. Then wait.

I will be in adoration for my scheduled hour later today. Pray for me, as I will pray for you!

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