Monday, March 1, 2010

Giving Thanks

The things I'm thankful for today:

It's raining, it's cold and nasty outside, but after helping my daughter with her Dust Bowl essay I have to be grateful. I do not have to tie a scarf over my mouth and clean repeatedly throughout the day.

Our three cats who all meow on three different pitches. It's a very musical way to wake up when they are all hungry and jumping on the bed trying to get us up.

I am finally getting my permanent crowns, after a month of feeling as though my entire lower jaw is being rearranged.

The abundant choices of breakfast, lunch and dinner food, especially knowing that during the Dust Bowl people pretty much survived on cornbread and beans. Not to mention the courageous people in Haiti who give thanks for whatever is placed before them. (Thanks to the Anchoress for keeping us updated.)

I am actually grateful today for the people in my life who nudged me toward greater holiness when I learned to forgive them. Really! I mean, it was hard at the time, but the Holy Spirit poured out when I finally knelt in adoration and asked for the grace to forgive, as I have been forgiven.

Girl Scout cookies, all purchased from the dearest group of Girl Scouts I have ever known. Each one comes for piano lessons or sings in one of my choirs, and one by one they shyly asked if I could buy cookies from them. How could I refuse? And the cookies are quite tasty.

For my friends here in Dallas (their names will remain anonymous to protect the innocent!) who honor me with their confidences, especially in times of difficulty, and who in return listen and offer the benefit of their wisdom when I most need it.

For Mystic Monk Coffee, without which I would have a great deal of difficulty getting up each morning. I recently passed by a young man wearing a Mystic Monk sweatshirt and when I commented on the coffee, he smiled and nodded as though we were old friends, comrades in arms.

For my R.E. choir class who pray with me, sing with me and show me their faith in ways that never fail to move me. When I can find a way to record them I will post their music here. They sing like angels.

For the Catholic Church and her loving embrace. Since entering we have never
been happier.

Deo dicamus gratias!

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