Thursday, March 25, 2010

Piano Lessons Updated

This is my day to teach three children from the same family who are musically gifted. Bach was today's high- light , although the young man who has been playing with a cast is reserving judgement on whether Bach is the best composer. I told him he has to learn more of Bach's music before he can decide. Personally, I love Bach.

The young first grader who had sore arm pits at his last lesson, continued to have some difficulty. Today he announced that his armpits, while not sore, were sticking together. Also, his fingers hurt. Still, he is a musical child. Perhaps he is too young for lessons. He is certainly a long way from playing Bach, yet oddly enough I think that when (if) his arm pits recover he will do quite well on the piano. He is a very intelligent boy.

Another beautiful child, a six year old girl who is astonishingly gifted, has been having many stomach aches and bouts of sickness. When I learned that she underwent a stomach biopsy last week, I remembered how frightened she had appeared when she was sick all over my living room floor. Yesterday at her lesson she was pale and tired. I will be praying for her.

One more student will be in my prayers as well. Her Mother is having a difficult pregnancy and has been hospitalized for the third time in two months.

Piano students bring so much more than music with them to their lessons. I have learned many family secrets, shared in the trials of middle school, listened to tears of frustration and watched the development of gifted children who are far more talented than I am. God has sent me these children (yes, even the difficult ones) and I can only pray that our time together in weekly lessons bears some fruit, even if it is not always musical!

Here is a perennial favorite, not Bach as it happens, but Beethoven.

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